When we say that God is SOVEREIGN, that means He reigns over EVERYTHING you face. Not only does He reign over the UNIVERSE, but He reigns over your LIFE, your FINANCES, your CAREER, your MARRIAGE, and your CHILDREN. He has the final word over it ALL. You may be dealing with a bad MEDICAL report, but the God who REIGNS says, “I’m restoring HEALTH to you.” Keep HIM on the throne. When thoughts tell you that you’re never going to get WELL, just say, “NO, thanks. MY God has the final SAY over my health. It may not have happened YET, but healing IS coming.”

Are you spending more time thinking about PROBLEMS or God’s PROMISES? Are you talking more about how big the challenge IS or how big your GOD is? Don’t dwell on what SEEMS impossible. God OVERRIDES whatever is trying to stop you. Now stay in FAITH. When you get in agreement with GOD, He’ll make things happen that you could never MAKE happen. GOD has the final SAY.

Today’s Scripture:

Mark 10:27, NLT

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

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