When we input an address into our navigation system, the “Route Overview” provides us with the details of our journey—our destination, the duration, and every turn we need to take. This allows us to relax, secure in the knowledge of what lies ahead. Similarly, God has a “Route OVERVIEW” for our lives. He knows our ULTIMATE destination and the best route to get us there. However, God does NOT reveal all the details to us. Scripture tells us His WORD is a LAMP unto our feet, suggesting we’re given just enough light to see the path DIRECTLY ahead, not the ENTIRE journey of the next fifty YEARS. He guides us one step at a TIME. If we TRUST Him and step into the UNKNOWN, without certainty of the OUTCOME, He will reveal the NEXT step. In THIS way, He leads us towards our DESTINY, one step after ANOTHER.

The question THEN becomes, are you willing to boldly take the next STEP with the light you’ve been GIVEN? It’s in the UNKNOWN that MIRACLES occur, where we uncover ABILITIES we never realized we HAD, and where we achieve BEYOND our wildest dreams. If you dare to do what you feel He’s calling you to DO, He will provide the MEANS, the FAVOR, and everything NECESSARY to ascend to the next LEVEL.

Today’s Scripture:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105, ESV

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